Laser Game Entreprise


LGE and the Bardet Biedl association

Along with being the Director of the Laser Game Entreprise group, Patrick Fournier is also the ambassador of the Bardet Biedl association, France.

Created in 2003, the objective of the Bardet Biedl association is to provide

Created in 2003, the objective of the Bardet Biedl association is to provide information on the disease, support the research and connect families affected by the syndrome by making the association a place for meeting and sharing.

on the disease, support the research and connect families affected by the syndrome by making the association a place for meeting and sharing.

Patrick Fournier with Veronique Helouir to his left – the President of the association - and Hélène Dollfus to his right – the coordinating doctor of the reference centre for rare ophthalmic genetic disorders.

What is Bardet-Biedl syndrome ?

It is a genetic disease that most often combines multiple problems like obesity, vision problems, finger abnormalities and in some cases kidney dysfunction as well as abnormalities of the genitals. Learning disabilities are also common and, more rarely, other malformations may be associated with the Bardet-Biedl syndrome.

Supporting the association and families :

The Bardet Biedl association, France and the families affected by this disease need your support. You can help them in many ways